To celebrate HM the Queen's 80th birthday, Emporium is holding an art exhibition entitled "80th Birthday: 80 Paintings to Honour the Mother of Thai People".

The 80th Birthday:80Paintings to Honour the Mother of Thai People exhibition is on display at the Fashion Hall, 1st floor of Emporium from today until Aug 15. Call 02-831-8400 ext3120or visit
The 80 paintings on show reflect Her Majesty's graceful working life, background and royal activities including her merciful mind to Thai people as the Mother of all Thais. The works include various techniques _ watercolours, acrylics, graphics, mixed media computer techology.
The works are created by eight prominent Thai artists _ Suwit Jaipom, Yudthakit Plasomphol, Thoedsak Chaiyakan, Watchara Klakhakhai, Chingchai U-domcharenkij, Banjob Putipin, Suwit Tangsombat and Eak Kajangchoy.
Also on show is a collection by national artist Jakrabhandhu Posayakrit.
Proceeds from sales of the paintings will be donated to the Foundation for the Promotion of Supplementary Occupations and Related Techniques (Support) under the Queen's patronage, and the Friends In Need (of "Pa") Volunteers Foundation, Thai Red Cross Society.
There are also free art workshops where visitors can learn basic sketching and how to create a photo frame.