Thai Luxe corporate social responsibility
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Thai Luxe corporate social responsibility

Thai Luxe Enterprises Public Company Limited, manufacturer and distributor of aquatic animal feed and pet food both domestically and abroad, conducts its business with emphasis on social responsibility, especially for the younger generation in rural areas. The main objective of our CSR projects is to improve the livelihoods of the people and the community, enabling them to sustainably depend on themselves. We continue to design CSR projects that are beneficial both at local and national scale.

These projects include:

Thai Luxe Ban-dit Project: For over 12 years, the project has been granting scholarships to students who do well academically and are well behaved but experience financial difficulty. The project grants scholarships to students in all regions across Thailand. It also funds schools and academic institutions in need. The project first started in 2006 and continues to the present because we are aware that education is the foundation to the development of the nation as well as the development of children's quality of life and local communities.

School Fishery Project: The company contributes fish food and techniques for raising fish to schools in rural area across Thailand. The schools are part of the "agriculture for lunch" project under the supervision of the Office of the Basic Education Commission (OBEC) but lack funding. The project was launched in 2008 and has been well received since then. However, there are many schools that still need funding, especially schools in areas around Thailand's borders.

Therefore, in 2017, Thai Luxe Enterprises Public Company Limited, celebrating its 30th anniversary, launched "Promoting Sufficiency in Fishery to Border Patrol Schools", an activity to initiate school fisheries projects in 207 Border Patrol Schools across Thailand.

The project is an integrated effort by the government and private sectors. Thai Luxe Enterprises Public Company Limited is the main contributor of fish food to the project. The company also helps disseminate the Thai Luxe ways of raising fish to participating Border Patrol Schools (BPPS) nationwide. Schools participating in the project receive marine species and raw materials from the Department of Fisheries, Ministry of Agriculture and Cooperatives. This leads to synergised cooperation between three agencies which will ultimately contribute to improving the children's quality of life by providing them with nutrition from fish and giving them the means to make a living selling the fish to local markets. This will also lead to sustainable circulation of income and generation of knowledge in the community.

Thai Luxe Enterprises Public Company Limited continues to stress its integrity and honesty in conducting business in a way that is friendly to communities, responsible towards society and environment, and fosters rapport with people and local communities. This is accomplished by initiating various projects such as "Happy Children with Generous Adults (National Children's Day)", "Smiles Sharing for Seniors (Seniors' Day)", "Friendship Sharing from Friend to Friend", "Pluk Rak Pook Jai for the Forest", and "Returning Fish to the River, Returning Life to the Water".

The company will continue to design projects that truly contribute to society and reach the desired goal by collaborating with all its stakeholders in society to bring about beneficial contributions to the country and move economic, social and environmental sectors along the path to sustainability.

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