Jockey believes shapewear is right fit for Thailand
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Jockey believes shapewear is right fit for Thailand

US lingerie maker Jockey has launched its seamless shapewear collection for Asian women in Thailand following the line's successful introduction in India, the Philippines and Indonesia.

With sales exceeding expectations, Jockey now leads in the Philippines' shapewear market and is among the top three in Indonesia.

"Asia is very promising for Jockey, so we developed Jockey seamless shapewear for the first time for the market," said Enrique Cardenal, Jockey Far East Limited's brand director.

After Thailand, the company plans to market seamless shapewear products in Vietnam in a few years.

Parichat Chatwatanadirok, senior brand manager for Jockey at Central Marketing Group, the local distributor here, said Jockey seamless shapewear targets women 25 and older who are concerned about their shape.

Thailand's total lingerie market is estimated to be worth 12 billion baht this year, with 10% or 1.2 billion baht women's shapewear products.

There are over 20 brands of women shapewear products in Thailand, including Maidenform and Spanx. Jockey has a 5% market share in this segment. Last year it generated 60 million baht in sales from shapewear products here. The launch of the seamless shapewear collection is expected to help boost its sales this year.

"In the past, people wore shapewear lingerie for certain occasions. But with the launch of our seamless shapewear, we believe they will wear it for many occasions or many days a week," said Mr Cardenal.

The shapewear ranges from 690 to 1,790 baht, 30-50% lower than other brands.

He said sales of Jockey lingerie in Thailand in the first half dipped slightly due to the unstable political situation.

"We are optimistic about the Thai market and saw signs of increasing sales in July. There are opportunities for Jockey here," he added.

The company is working on a new product for Asian women, which it expects to launch in Thailand soon.

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