Your horoscope for July 1-7
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Your horoscope for July 1-7


Spot-on horoscope for work, money, coupled & single life from famously accurate Guru's fortuneteller. Let’s see how would you fare this week & beyond!

Note: is for work, is for money, is for coupled life and is for single life


Mar 21 – Apr 19

Tasks pile up but you have enough stamina to get them all done. Have a plan B in case something unexpected happens during your business trip.

You never know when you need to unexpectedly pay for something urgent. Keep your luggage and your handbag close to you while travelling abroad.

Your love is strong even though work keeps you away and apart from one another, thanks to healthy communication.

There’s no one in particular that catches your eyes. Keep looking as he/she may be right around the corner.


Apr 20 – May 20

Work progresses smoothly. New technology or a colleague will help speed things up. Promotions or any changes will transpire as you predicted. Those looking for jobs will receive good news.

Your wallet may get thicker, thanks to someone very generous in your family. An older man may bring you luck.

Regardless of what you two fight about, both of you will eventually put your differences aside. Let bygones be bygones.

You may go out with someone whom you have great chemistry with. This could later turn out to be the real thing. Sweet!


May 21 – Jun 20

New tasks will be assigned to you. You may have to make an effort to get along with new colleagues. Entrepreneurs may need to rethink their business plans. Sacrifices may need to be made.

Bills are paid on time. You have no problem paying for things that you want. You'll be able to find a way to deal with any financial issues you have on your own.

Tensions between lovers subside. You two get along with each other nicely.

Sparks might fly between you and someone who has been married and/or has kids.


Jun 21 – Jul 22

You work so hard until you end up feeling exhausted. Take your time to relax. You may not be able to achieve all of your goals despite your best efforts.

A new source of income presents itself. Keep it a secret from others or someone else may try to beat you to it.

Now is a good time to drop hints on what you want your sweetheart to buy you as a gift.

You may enter into a relationship with someone whose online relationship status says single when they are in fact taken in real life.


Jul 23 – Aug 22

Be more careful. You may be blamed for mistakes that happen. You may not get your dream job because you did poorly during interview. Go to work no matter how bored you are with your job. Better things are yet to come along.

There are many things you need to pay for but you manage to acquire enough cash to foot them all. A windfall is on the cards.

Lovers motivate each other to work harder. You may see two lines on a home pregnancy test and become overjoyed.

Someone considerably younger may catch your attention. Going on a date somewhere amid nature allows you two to open up and really get to know each other.


Aug 23 – Sep 22

Problems will be resolved quickly and you’ll get through work with no worries. The unemployed may receive an offer with help from an older lady.

You make considerable amount of money but also have a lot of bills to pay. Someone might even ask if you can lend them some money and you find it difficult to say no.

Love is on shaky grounds. You fight one day and love on another. You usually argue over money.

You may fall for someone you first consider unfriendly. It turns out they understand you the most.


Sep 23 – Oct 22

You stand a good chance to be promoted. Lady Librans may get the title that is usually given to men. Transgender women may earn respect as well as applause from being extra professional.

You may decide to start taking charge of your family business. Selling of a land or a house brings you a big wad of cash.

Don’t try to win arguments with your partner because you both end up being losers and hurting each other’s feelings.

You may fall for your friend’s partner. Listen to your head or else you will have to deal with big drama later.


Oct 23 – Nov 21

Good news about something that you’ve been looking forward to will finally arrive. You’ll complete overdue tasks, earning some office kudo.

You work several freelance jobs for extra cash. You may earn even more money from your hobby. Any debts or bills you may have will be paid on time.

You two don’t get to share many sweet moments but your love remains strong.

You work hard, earning enough to fill your bathtub with money, but realise you don’t have time for a serious relationship.


Nov 22 – Dec 21

There are a lot of challenging tasks to do but you don’t get paid enough. Rely on yourself as your office friends may turn into your competition.

In the cash comes, out the cash goes. You spend as soon as you earn and you may lose something valuable.

Your relationship is on the brink of breaking up because someone is feeding one of you rumours and lies.

You have some difficulty scheduling dates with different admirers. You may get caught too.


Dec 22 – Jan 19

You accomplish more than you expect. A dream job will be offered to you. Businesses dealing with LGBTQIA customers will prosper.

You may become involved with a shady business or a fishy investment scheme. Get out as soon as you can or face legal predicaments later.

Kids, skip the next two sentences. You make love more. Try new positions to spice up your love life.

You’re irresistible, oozing charm and sexiness everywhere you go. You’ll have no problem scheduling dates with different admirers.


Jan 20 – Feb 18

Things won’t go as planned at work. A backstabber may be sitting right in the next cubicle. Brace yourself for bad news that will crush your heart. If you’re looking for jobs, you may be tricked into working for free.

You may need to help repay a debt incurred by one of your relatives. You spend almost all of what you earn.

You have the lower hand in your relationship. If you decide to break up with your lover, you’ll be thought of as the bad guy and lose friends.

Someone you first intended to date casually will have you tangled up in a long-term relationship. You aren’t too happy about it.


Feb 19 – Mar 20

Caring too much about what others think of you can negatively affect your work. You may even miss out on a good opportunity because of it too.

Financial problems subside and you’ll find a way to pay off debts. Someone of the opposite gender brings you luck.

Issues of jealousy and possessiveness may occur in your relationship. It’s nothing that you two can’t handle, though.

You may have to choose between either seeing someone new or getting back together with your ex. Listen to your heart.

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