We all know that late night snacks can lead to weight gain because the body does not burn many calories during sleep. In the evenings, however, we tend to crave foods that are sweet and rich in carbohydrates. According to researchers, this is food that was not always available to our ancestors. They did not know when or from where the next meal would come, so they had to store extra fat just in case. Today we are surrounded by food all the time, but instinctive craving has not disappeared. This is how many of us gain weight.
This does not mean that you are not allowed to eat at all after the Sun goes down. In fact, extreme hunger will only tell your body to eat more than usual and more than your body needs. Sometimes we get home late and do not have time to eat until late at night. In that case, it is good to eat something, but make sure that you are eating to satiate your hunger, not your cravings. Some people eat late night snacks habitually, even when they are not hungry. Eating in front of the TV, in particular, can make you lose track of what you are putting in your mouth. A good way to prevent overeating is to grab your food and wait about 20 minutes before eating. That way, you can tell whether it's hunger or a craving you are feeling.
To lose weight, the question is not only what you eat, but also how much and why. We already know what to eat — low-fat, healthy foods. I am not telling you to stop consuming fat, because our body needs it. Without fat, you will not feel full and will be hungry again after just a few hours. This is a reason why some people and some advertisements say some kind of fats are good for you. But believe me, too much of any fat is bad for your weight. Low-fat foods don't always help you lose weight. Some people compensate for the reduced fat by adding something else, taking in even more calories.
Low-fat foods can also be full of sugar. Some people like to drink energy, sports or mineral drinks after they exercise, without knowing that the calories in those drinks are more than they have burned during the workout. A single serving of such drinks usually contain around 180 calories. It's better to switch to water.
It's also important to watch how much you eat. Restaurants today serve very large portions of food, and supersized servings are even more shocking. Make sure you carefully read the nutrition facts on the package when you buy food. Sometimes it might say that one serving contains only a few calories, but the definition is only a bite. If the label is not available, let your taste buds be your guide. Sweet, salty and crunchy things are usually fattening.
Next, you should be careful about how you eat. In the morning, we're often in such a rush that we eat mindlessly. In the afternoon, we fight sleepiness with food. At home, we eat while we watch TV. Sometimes when we're in a hurry, we just put food in our mouths without thinking. Always be mindful about what and how you eat.
We have so many food choices today — at convenience stores, street-side food stalls, petrol stations and even online. Eating is so easy these days, that we sometimes do it without meaning to. The best way to prevent this is to plan your meals. Avoid eating outside your planned meals, and when you eat, focus on the food you are putting in your mouth. Many of us read, watch TV or work while eating. When you eat, try to take it slow and enjoy each bite. It takes time for the stomach to send signals to the brain that, "Hey, I'm full!". Research has shown that one factor of obesity is that the stomach takes too long to send that signal, resulting in the person continuing to eat.
If you like to eat to kill time, it's time to find a better hobby, such as playing crosswords, Sudoku or anything that keeps your hands busy. Games on your mobile phone are also effective.
Laughing is also a good way to lose weight, because many of us eat to reduce stress. Watching a funny show can take your mind off stressful things. Laughing can also stimulate the production of endorphins, which help with hormone balance.
Yoga can help you lose weight, not only through the physical movements, but also through the mindful breathing. It helps you focus better, so you are more aware of what you are doing, including eating. Meditation can also offer the same benefits.
If you need something to help you loosen up while working, try doing light exercise instead of reaching for snacks. Office supplies — staplers, desks, chairs — can be used as exercise tools. This will keep you healthy and reduce your caloric intake.
Some people have the strange habit of eating while talking on the phone. If that sounds like you, keep a pen close by and scribble away while you talk. That way, your hands won't be free to put food in your mouth.
Drinking a lot of water can also reduce your hunger, as we often misinterpret thirst for hunger. Stick to water or unsweetened tea. Tea is rich in antioxidants and can help reduce blood pressure.
Brushing your teeth can help stave off food cravings. Doing so will also keep your dental health in check.
Of course, it is impossible to be on a strict diet every minute of the day. It is not wrong to "cheat" once in a while. Just make sure it doesn't happen too often. After all, you are also how you eat!
Dr Nithi Mahanonda is a consultant cardiologist and interventionist at Perfect Heart Institute, Piyavate Hospital. Visit his website at www.drnithi.com