Malaysia turns away 2 boats with 800 migrants
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Malaysia turns away 2 boats with 800 migrants

Foreign minister blasts neighbours for treating 'citizens like trash'

Bangladeshi and Rohingya migrants are taken to board the navy ship  KD Mahawangsa before being transferred to Kuala Kedah jetty, at a naval base in Langkawi, Malaysia May 14. (EPA photo)
Bangladeshi and Rohingya migrants are taken to board the navy ship KD Mahawangsa before being transferred to Kuala Kedah jetty, at a naval base in Langkawi, Malaysia May 14. (EPA photo)

LANGKAWI — Thousands of Rohingya Muslims and Bangladeshis abandoned at sea had nowhere to turn Thursday as Malaysia turned away two boats crammed with more than 800 migrants, saying it could not afford to keep being nice.

Indonesia and Thailand also appeared unwilling to provide refuge to men, women and children, despite appeals by the UN High Commissioner for Refugees, international aid agencies and rights activists, who warned lives were at risk.

Fearing arrests, captains tied to trafficking networks have in recent days abandoned ships in the busy Malacca Strait and surrounding waters, leaving behind their human cargo, in many cases with little food or water, according to survivors.

Around 1,600 have been rescued, but an estimated 6,000 remain stranded at sea.

Deputy Home Minister Wan Junaidi Jaafar said Malaysia cannot afford to have immigrants flooding its shores.

"What do you expect us to do? We have been very nice to the people who broke into our border. We have treated them humanely but they cannot be flooding our shores like this," he told the Associated Press.

"We have to send the right message that they are not welcome here," he said.

Thousands of migrants are still believed stranded in the Malacca Strait and surrounding waters, after captains tied to trafficking networks abandoned ships, leaving behind their human cargo.

Indonesia, which has taken 600, also turned a boat away earlier this week. But a Foreign Ministry spokesman denied Wednesday it had a "push back" policy, saying the Malaysian-bound vessel strayed into its waters by accident.

Mr Wan Junaidi said Southeast Asian governments must do more to press Myanmar to address the Rohingya crisis.

"You talk about democracy but don't treat your citizens like trash, like criminals until they need to run away to our country," he said.

Malaysia, which is not a signatory of international conventions on refugees, is host to more than 150,000 refugees and asylum seekers, the majority who are from Myanmar. More than 45,000 of them are Rohingyas, according to the UN refugee agency.

Southeast Asia, which for years tried to quietly ignore the plight of Myanmar's 1.3 million Rohingya, now finds itself caught in a spiralling humanitarian crisis that in many ways it helped create.

Phil Robertson, deputy Asia director at Human Rights Watch, said Thailand, Malaysia and Indonesia have worsened the Rohingya crisis "with cold-hearted policies to push back this new wave of boat people that puts thousands of lives at risk."

"The Thai, Malaysia and Indonesian navies should stop playing a three-way game of human ping-pong, and instead should work together to rescue all those on these ill-fated boats," he said in a statement Thursday.

For those fleeing, the first stop, until recently, was Thailand, where migrants were held in jungle camps until their families could raise hefty ransoms so they could continue onward. Recent security crackdowns forced the smugglers to change tactics, instead holding people on large ships parked offshore.

Initially they were shuttled to shore in groups on smaller boats after their "ransoms" were paid. But as agents and brokers on land got spooked by arrests -- not just of traffickers but also police and politicians -- they went into hiding.

That created a bottleneck, with migrants stuck on boats for weeks, even months.

Chris Lewa of the non-profit Arakan Project estimates as many as 6,000 may still be on boats, waiting to find a chance to land or hoping to be rescued. Several international agencies consider her figures to be the most reliable.

In recent days, captains have started abandoning their ships, leaving passengers to fend for themselves, survivors say.

The United Nations has pleaded for countries in the region to keep their arms open and help rescue those stranded. Several navies said they were scouring the seas.

Mr Wan Junaidi said the home ministry will soon call for a meeting with diplomats from Bangladesh and Myanmar, as well as from developed countries, including the United States and the European Union to urge them to take in UN refugees in Malaysia waiting to resettle to third countries.

"We want to tell the source countries that they must tell their people back home that Malaysia cannot welcome them," he said.

"We also want to tell other countries not to blame Malaysia while they just talk to the gallery. Open your doors and take these refugees in. Don't be selective," he said.

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