Pump prices will fall by 30 satang to one baht a litre following adjustments to the state Oil Fund tariff to ensure a suitable marketing margin for traders.
Permanent energy secretary Areepong Bhucha-oom said the National Energy Policy Council had increased the contribution per litre into the fund for diesel by 30 satang to 3.35 baht, and reduced the contribution for gasohol 95 by 0.40 baht to 3.25 baht. This took into account global oil prices.
As a result pump prices will drop by one baht for gasohol 65, 60 satang for gasohol 91 and E20 and 30 satang for diesel. The new prices will be effective on Tuesday.
The new prices are: Gasohol 95, 27.90 baht a litre; gasohol 91, 26.58 baht; E20, 25.18 baht; E85, 22.08 baht; and diesel 26.09 baht.
As of Sunday, the oil fund's balance was 19.625 billion baht in credit. The new rates of contribution were expected to add 413 million baht to the fund each month.