Protesters enter MPB headquarters
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Protesters enter MPB headquarters

After successful negotiations between the demonstrators' core leaders and the police, protesters were allowed to enter the Metropolitan Police Bureau (MPB) grounds on Sri Ayutthaya road on Tuesday.

Let's be friends: An anti-government protester shakes hands with a police officer at the Metropolitan Police Bureau on Tuesday morning, in sharp contrast to the violence and teargas on Mondayr. (Photo by Wassayos Ngamkham)

Thavorn Senniam, a core protest leader, announced the triumph to the crowd after he negotiated with police officers at the city police headquarters. 

The protesters then organised the crowd, telling them which route they should take to walk inside the MPB, beginning around 10.40am Tuesday but they still waited outside for about an hour before actually moving into the MPB grounds.

Earlier, the police cut the barbed wire and helped remove the concrete barriers to open the way for protesters.

The peaceful scene on Tuesday was totally different from Monday and overnight, when police fired tear gas as protesters attempted to storm and overturn the barriers.

On Tuesday, protesters were relaxed and had smiles on their faces.

Crowd control police take a rest while waiting for protesters to go inside the MPB headquarters. (Post Today photo)

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