Democrats, PT slam CDC chairman on trialling new charter
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Democrats, PT slam CDC chairman on trialling new charter

The Democrat and Pheu Thai parties have attacked a suggestion that the new charter be given a trial period of five years, saying Thailand and its people are not guinea pigs.

Constitution Drafting Committee (CDC) chairman Borwornsak Uwanno made the controversial trial run remark while addressing the presidents of provincial administrative organisations from across the country on the topic “The New Constitution and Decentralization” on Tuesday.

Borowrnsak: Trial MMP system for 5 years.

At one point he said he wanted the new charter to be test-run for five years. If the politicians find the new voting system stipulated by the CDC weakens the political sector they can propose changes. But at the same time the political parties would need to adapt and become more democratic, he said. 

Democrat deputy leader Jurin Laksanawisit said Mr Borwornsak’s proposal to promulgate the new charter for five years and fix it later would not be a problem if it is accepted by all sides. But if doubts and conflicts over the charter are not settled and it is tested, then that would effectively make Thailand a guinea pig.

Mr Jurin advised the CDC to be patient and even-handed in listening to critics of the draft and not accuse them of having conflicts of interest. 

Mr Jurin said some provisions in the new charter are intended to boost the power of the people. But some appear to give absolute power to certain organisations and agencies without a check and balance system. That will give them more authority than the legislative and administrative branches or be used as a vehicle to allow the coup-makers to hold on to power.

He cited as an example the proposed make-up of the National Reform Steering Assembly and the National Reform Strategic Committee (Section 279) and the Independent Committee to Promote National Reconciliation (Section 297). 

He warned the country could face the same “wicked cycle” if the CDC does not tread carefully. 

Pheu Thai's acting deputy secretary-general Chavalit Vichayasut was similarly opposed to the idea. “The Thai people are not guinea pigs. The country and the people have been wounded enough,” he said. 

Mr Chavalit warned of economic problems for the people if certain points in the charter were not amended. He claimed some provisions were undemoncratic and intended to divest politicians of power.

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