Former prime minister Yingluck Shinawatra was present in the Supreme Court on Friday for the third day of witness testimony in her rice-pledging scheme trial.
Ms Yingluck, accompanied by her team of lawyers, arrived at the Supreme Court's Criminal Division for Holders of Political Positions in Bangkok around 9am on Friday.
The embattled former prime minister was greeted by supporters, who gathered in front of the court to give her flowers amidst tight security provided by police. Key figures of the Pheu Thai Party, party members and some red-shirt leaders were among the crowd.
Ms Yingluck is charged with dereliction of duty causing damage under Section 157 of the Criminal Code, and failure to perform her duty as a state official under the Anti-Corruption Act, as she had failed to stop corruption in the rice-pledging scheme -- with reported losses of more than 500 billion baht accrued to the state.
Before attending the third hearing-day of prosecution witnesses, Ms Yingluck told reporters she believed most Thai people wanted a general election held as soon as possible, to restore the public’s confidence.
She wanted a true democracy and a constitution that belonged to the people, and in line with international standards.