The early general election called for by former prime minister Chavalit Yongchaiyudh is not possible, Deputy Prime Minister Wissanu Krea-ngam said on Friday.
Mr Wissanu said the government will not be swayed from its political roadmap, which has a general election set tentatively for July next year.
A referendum on the draft charter, with organic laws still to be written, also made it impossible for elections to be called this year, he added.
"The prime minister has set the direction of the roadmap and everyone in the cabinet has to follow it. Gen Chavalit is not part of the government," he said.
Mr Wissanu's comments followed the call by Gen Chavalit, who urged the government to call elections this year, and warned the National Council for Peace and Order (NCPO) of the dangers of holding on to power for too long.
NCPO spokesman Col Piyapong Klinphun on Friday echoed Mr Wassanu's comments, saying the timeline of the roadmap remained unchanged.
Asked if Gen Chavalit would be summoned for attitude adjustment talks for daring to make a political statement, the NCPO spokesman said that would not happen. Gen Chavalit was a phuyai and had made many contributions to the country, the spokesman said.