NFI empowers food industry
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NFI empowers food industry

NFI empowers food industry

The National Food Institute (NFI), Ministry of Industry, is a core agency that provides both academic and technological services to create value of Thai food for the benefit for the country’s food industry development at the international level.

In line with the government’s Thailand 4.0 policy, the National Food Institute (NFI) has announced its 20-year National Food Industry Development Plan (2017-2036) to position Thailand one of the world’s top five food exporters by 2036.   

“To reach our ambition to position Thailand as the Kitchen of the World, NFI has implemented the private sector-state project to adopt the industrial technology to enable the country’s food industry to enter the new 4.0 era,” said Mr. Yongvut Saovapruk, NFI President.

“Currently, the government is putting great emphasis on creating an enabling environment to help enhance quality and productivity during production processes. Also, more innovations will be adopted to add value to food products and promote the ‘Future Food’ to the world market.”

To proceed with the plan effectively, NFI has adopted advanced technology with three main missions.

NFI empowers food industry

1. To enhance competitive-edge and flexibility among Thai food entrepreneurs and to create a network of ‘Food Warriors’—new-generation of food entrepreneurs who will serve the industry in the future. The government will support development of expertise, marketing strategies, production & product development and marketing strategies.

2. To create infrastructure and enabling factors with the “World Food Valley Thailand” project to facilitate and encourage more investment from new food entrepreneurs in the form of private sector-state cooperation, leading to the future restructuring of the country’s food industry. 

3. To implement Future Food market development and enhance distribution channels at the international level, thereby enabling Thai SMEs to connect with the global food supply chain via a series of promotional activities, including World Food Expo, Window of Thai Food, National and Regional Food Festival. Also, virtual market development will be implemented to promote products and create awareness of Thai food in digital markets. 

NFI empowers food industry

Food innovation promotion is also included in the plan, as Mr. Yongvut explains: “Innovations are instrumental to enhancing the competitive edge of the country’s food industry. However, innovations must truly meet consumers’ needs and behaviours, so that they can be commercialised in the market. Therefore, the government is ready to provide the knowledge and know-how needed for new entrepreneurs to adopt technology and create product value that will, in turn, enable them to compete effectively at international level. 

Moreover, NFI has implemented the Thai food standard – Authentic Thai Food for the world – to set a single benchmark for taste and quality of Thai food in every corner of the world. This standard will serve as a reference among Thai food restaurants around the globe in promoting the ‘Authentic Thai’ taste. This standard will greatly help solve taste disparities, thereby maintaining taste standards and originality of Thai cuisine going forward.

NFI empowers food industry
NFI empowers food industry
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