7 Essential Things to Know Before Getting the Best Liposuction in Bangkok Part 1/2
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7 Essential Things to Know Before Getting the Best Liposuction in Bangkok Part 1/2

with Dr. Piya at Nida Esth’

7 Essential Things to Know Before Getting the Best Liposuction in Bangkok Part 1/2

Liposuction is a major operation; a lot of thoughts should carefully be considered beforemaking this life decision.


Welcome again to our latest recent chapter of "Behind Cosmetic Surgery By Dr. Piya," where we will address any queries you may have about cosmetic surgery performed by one of the Best Plastic Surgeons in Thailand ‘Dr. Piya Rungruxsiri’, MD, also known as ‘Dr. Piya’ - a board-certified plastic surgeon with recognition from the International Society of Aesthetic Plastic Surgery (ISAP) at Nida Esth' International: A Premium Laser & Cosmetic Surgery Institute stand as the no.1 Beauty Destination in South East Asia for celebrities, royalties and elites from around the world as it completely offers technological laser advancements and cellular surgical techniques that no one else can. 

That’s why Global Health Asia Pacific recognized and awarded us as ‘The Advanced Laser & Plastic Surgery Clinic of the Year in Asia Pacific 2023’ and also guaranteed with a national award of The Medical Centre Trusted for Cosmetic Surgery Results from Global Patients and the World Leader in Aesthetic Laser Technology" by Hello Magazine’s editors of Thailand in 2022.

Today, I have gathered all questions asked by my patients during private consultations and answered them in these article to those who are considering to get the best liposuction in Bangkok as a solution to a perfect body. Let’s see what is my opinions.

7 Essential Things to Know Before Getting the Best Liposuction in Bangkok Part 1/2

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Line OA: @Nida_Esth WhatsApp: +66859665333

Website: www.nidaskincosmetic.com/en/home

1.What is Exactly Liposuction?   Weight loss or Body Contouring?

Many of my patients expected to get massive weight loss after conventional or standard liposuction. But I need to say “No!”. I need to emphasize here that Liposuction is not a magical all-in-one solution for all body concerns. So everyone who want to have this procedure done needs to have realistic expectation before making this life decision.

Liposuction is a conventional surgical procedure which employs suction to extracted adipose (fat) tissue from targeted regions of the body, including the abdomen, hips, thighs, buttocks, arms, or neck. It also contours these regions and often referred to as Lipoplasty (in medical terms) and body contouring.

Liposuction is not regarded as a comprehensive weight-reduction technique or a substitute for weight loss. Because fat density is much lower than water density.So fat will weight much less than water. While one liter of pure fat weights less than 2lbs. It is actually less straightforward than that when it comes as fat removed by liposuction. What is removed in liposuction is called “the aspirate” which is a mixture of solid pieces of fat, free fatty acid (broken fat cell contents or oil), blood and tumescent solution. Thus, liposuction aspirate is not 100% fat but just a big fraction. As a result, one liter of liposuction is really less than 2 lbs or 0.9 Kg of fat removed and may be realistic  closer to 1.5 lbs or 0.68 Kg of pure fat.

So, If you understand that liposuction is a weight loss procedure, I must say you are “wrong”. Individual who are obese or overweight need to have their body checked up to find out the exact causes such as hypothyroidism or some endocrine diseases. Specific treatment will help you lose your weight safely. Dietary and physical activity modifications are recommended to all patients. Alternative surgical & medical procedures may be recommended in some cases. If you want to get rid of localized excess stubborn body fat in specific areas and you are able to maintain a consistent body weight, liposuction may be an effective option for you.

NEW ! Option: for the Best Body Weight Loss in Bangkok: Slim Laser Diet Program by Zerona and SlimShot by Saxenda

In this modern day, controlling your body weight in an optimal range is necessary not only for cosmetic purpose but also for your general health. If you have problems in controlling your body weight, here, at Nida Esth’ International ,we have safe solutions for you with  Slim Laser Diet Program by Zerona and SlimShot by Saxenda to help you  lose your  body weight safely.

7 Essential Things to Know Before Getting the Best Liposuction in Bangkok Part 1/2
7 Essential Things to Know Before Getting the Best Liposuction in Bangkok Part 1/2

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Line OA: @Nida_Esth WhatsApp: +66859665333

Website: www.nidaskincosmetic.com/en/home

2.Not All Fat is Created Equally?

Many patients who came to see me still had no idea about anatomy of fat in our body. This made them misunderstand about concept of liposuction especially when discussing about stomach, abdominal or belly liposuction. I must explain here that it is crucial to consider two specific forms of fat: subcutaneous fat and visceral fat. Please keep in your mind that ‘Only Subcutaneous fat can be removed by surgical liposuction.’

7 Essential Things to Know Before Getting the Best Liposuction in Bangkok Part 1/2

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Website: www.nidaskincosmetic.com/en/home

  • Subcutaneous fat refers to the adipose tissue that is located beneath skin layer but above muscular layer. It may be soft or hard depending on its density but always easily grasped or pinched by fingers. While it is mostly benign, it can be visually unappealing.  Subcutaneous fat is usually main cause of unwanted and excessive fat in various areas of our bodies.
  • Visceral fat is located much deeper beneath abdominal muscles, within the abdominal cavity, surrounding visceral organs . Visually, it may be recognized as the characteristic "beer belly" - It can’t be pinched or grasped by fingers because of its deep location. The abdomen with visceral fat inside will be rigid and tensed and normally give a hard sensation when you touch it. Individual with a significant amount of visceral fat are occasionally described as "skinny-fat" which means a very hard and tensed abdomen covered by very thin skin layer.  Visceral fat is usually main cause of unwanted and excessive fat especially on abdomen in elderly male individuals.

Stomach liposuction exclusively targets the removal of subcutaneous fat. Visceral fat is deeply buried within the abdominal cavity and cannot be removed with liposuction. Visceral fat can only be safely and successfully reduced with a combination of diet and exercise for weight loss.

NEW ! Option for the Best Visceral Fat Reduction Procedures in Bangkok: Slim Ultra Technology

7 Essential Things to Know Before Getting the Best Liposuction in Bangkok Part 1/2

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Line OA: @Nida_Esth WhatsApp: +66859665333

Website: www.nidaskincosmetic.com/en/home

Fortunately, at Nida Esth’, we provide Slim Ultra Technology which can help our patients reduce visceral fat safely which is the Slim Ultra. The newest innovative program to melt visceral fats without surgery. This will remove your unwanted fats in all angle of your body. It will also remove visceral fats that typical liposuction cannot remove.

It has two step of treatment that provides ultrasound energy for treating cellulite and fat reduction and the radio-frequency energy and lymphatic drainage for body reshaping and skin tightening.

Ultra Module using Ultrasonic Energy in hot and cold mode waveform that balances the melting of fat in specific time accurately and gently. : Ultra Module has RF Energy that combines with mechanical massage thus it will rearrange formation of collagen to create smoother and firmer skin.

7 Essential Things to Know Before Getting the Best Liposuction in Bangkok Part 1/2
7 Essential Things to Know Before Getting the Best Liposuction in Bangkok Part 1/2

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Line OA: @Nida_Esth WhatsApp: +66859665333

Website: www.nidaskincosmetic.com/en/home

3.Watch Out for Loose Skin and Hanging Belly!

Honestly conventional liposuction is not my favorite procedure because of its unwanted side effects afterwards. Following liposuction, most patients experienced wavy loose skin with some degree of skin laxity on treated area. This is a very common unwanted effect after conventional liposuction. Imagine when you remove sponge from inside of your pillow, it is normal for your pillow to become loose and wavy. So does your skin. When your subcutaneous fat on those areas is removed by liposuction-like sponge removal, your skin will normally become loose and wavy or even worse with uneven or lumpy results if liposuction is performed unevenly or improperly by inexperienced doctors who are not certified-boarded plastic surgeons. This can lead to shape irregularities such as the appearance of dents or wrinkles and may require corrective surgery to achieve the ideal aesthetic. 

7 Essential Things to Know Before Getting the Best Liposuction in Bangkok Part 1/2

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Line OA: @Nida_Esth WhatsApp: +66859665333

Website: www.nidaskincosmetic.com/en/home

NEW ! Option: for the Best Laser Liposuction in Bangkok: Slim Melt by Slim Lipo

7 Essential Things to Know Before Getting the Best Liposuction in Bangkok Part 1/2

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Line OA: @Nida_Esth WhatsApp: +66859665333

Website: www.nidaskincosmetic.com/en/home

Nowadays in era of advanced technology, I always recommend new Laser Lipolysis technique to all of my patients who want to have liposuction done to prevent this unwanted problem. At Nida Esth’ International, I primarily utilize Slim Melt by SlimLipo, a laser-assisted liposuction technique from USA which has been claimed to be the Best Laser Liposuction in Bangkok due to its proven ability to melt fat like melting an ice cream and enhance collagen contraction at the same time to prevent sagging and laxity after treatment. This, in turn, results in firmer and tighter skin in the targeted region, according to its dual mode of operation with 2 specific laser wavelength : lipolysis wavelength and skin tightening wavelength.

The minimally-invasive micro laser surgery liposuction procedure called Slim Melt by SlimLipo® is the most well-liked semi-surgical laser technology or the Best Laser Lipolysis in Bangkok technology that has gained the acceptance of surgeons in around the world including in Asia, Europe and the US as a technology that can directly melt fat into oil like melted ice-cream with a 0.3 mm. tiny Fiber Optic laser tip which then can eliminate large amount of fat effectively in many areas, including small area like double chin, more than any other liposuction methods, plus leading to small wounds and also has flexibility properties to create perfect curves on our faces and bodies. Importantly, the feature of Slim Melt is a Dual Mode that, in addition to what has previously been described, can tighten the skin to create firming and lifting results , solving the issue of sagging skin that is typical when performed with the conventional liposuction. As a result, it successfully allows access to various fat tissues without endangering neighboring ones. Therefore, the skin much less swell up or bruise following the procedure.

It is worth noting that loose skin can be a concern following significant weight reduction, and it can also arise as a complication of liposuction. Slim Melt by SlimLipo at Nida Esth’ the Best Laser Lipolysis in Bangkok ,a form of laser-assisted liposuction, offers the most effective skin-tightening outcomes when used as the sole method of liposuction with a concept of 5S.

7 Essential Things to Know Before Getting the Best Liposuction in Bangkok Part 1/2

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Line OA: @Nida_Esth WhatsApp: +66859665333

Website: www.nidaskincosmetic.com/en/home

  • ‘Slimmer’ - than other liposuction methods because it melts much  larger amount of fat than conventional liposuction and other Laser Liposuction techniques and fat will become oil which is ready to be sucked out immediately (no blood contaminated).
  • ‘Smoother’ - with the Dual Laser System, dissolving fat and tightening the skin at the same time. It is safe from wavy ,saggy skin which is common after traditional liposuction.
  • ‘Safer’ - Sterilized laser tips that are disposable after one usage per person are safer and free of contamination . Avoid infection during procedure.
  • ‘Smaller Wound’ - The incision is smaller because it is a laser Lipolysis  with a tiny optic fiber tip only 0.3 mm in diameter.
  • ‘Single Treatment’ - Only perform the treatment once . Avoid wasting money and spending too much time.
7 Essential Things to Know Before Getting the Best Liposuction in Bangkok Part 1/2
7 Essential Things to Know Before Getting the Best Liposuction in Bangkok Part 1/2

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Line OA: @Nida_Esth WhatsApp: +66859665333

Website: www.nidaskincosmetic.com/en/home

4.Any Alternative to Loose Skin?

Most people misunderstand that liposuction is a magical all-in -one solution for all body concerns, I must say that they are ‘wrong’ especially in sagging skin problems.

We need to admit that conventional liposuction is an old surgical technique that has been used to eliminate subcutaneous fat for several decades. In the past we had no choice and no technology, so we have to accept the limitations of visible scars, especially, those people who have fat and sagging skin problems.

7 Essential Things to Know Before Getting the Best Liposuction in Bangkok Part 1/2

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Line OA: @Nida_Esth WhatsApp: +66859665333

Website: www.nidaskincosmetic.com/en/home

After childbirth or massive weight loss, not only stubborn excess fat in specific areas but also severe sagging of skin are major concerns all patients. Liposuction alone may not be the best solution in those cases. Before, conventional liposuction was usually done with lipectomy to address the issue of sagging skin but it caused obvious scars as a results which brings to another dissatisfaction especially in easily visible areas such as abdomen and arms. 

New! Option : Best  Body Tightening & Firming without Scars in Bangkok :BodyLock Younger by J-Plasma+ (Renuvion®)

7 Essential Things to Know Before Getting the Best Liposuction in Bangkok Part 1/2

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Line OA: @Nida_Esth WhatsApp: +66859665333

Website: www.nidaskincosmetic.com/en/home

What I’d always recommend for patients who have loose skin after conventional liposuction or even those who have experienced sagging skin from pregnancy or extreme weight loss is the technology called BodyLock Younger by J-Plasma+ (Renuvion®) which is claimed to be the Best Body Tightening & Firming in Bangkok which can get rid of not only body sagging skin but also in the sensitive areas such as under chin.

It is this latest technology, combining 2 advanced energy wave that can replace up to 80% of surgical tightening procedure such as tummy tuck. It is the first time in South-east Asia to revolutionize traditional skin tightening treatment. My patients can say goodbye to sagging skin problems and be ready to restore firmness and youth to the skin with the results equivalent to surgery up to 80% using APYXTM Medical's proprietary helium plasma energy, thereby providing immediate results.

It doesn't hurt and doesn't require a long period of recovery. That’s why most of my famous patients choose this method when they have a problem of loose skin.

7 Essential Things to Know Before Getting the Best Liposuction in Bangkok Part 1/2
7 Essential Things to Know Before Getting the Best Liposuction in Bangkok Part 1/2

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Line OA: @Nida_Esth WhatsApp: +66859665333

Website: www.nidaskincosmetic.com/en/home

Lastly, for those seeking the most effective technique to get the desired appearance like that of a Hollywood superstar. To co-create your ideal body, you are more than welcome to come in for a more in-depth private consultation with me, "Dr. Piya".

The first essential step in the laser fat removal & skin tightening procedures is Body Simulation Design by Vectra 3D, which entails defining the proportions of your body to create a virtual 3D imagine at pre-procedure. Vectra 3D Simulator is the only technology available in South East Asia that meets this requirement. Patients will feel as if they are going through time to see their body before making a decision. The Vectra 3D Body Simulation Design is capable of

7 Essential Things to Know Before Getting the Best Liposuction in Bangkok Part 1/2

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Line OA: @Nida_Esth WhatsApp: +66859665333

Website: www.nidaskincosmetic.com/en/home

  • Assessing the problem and physical condition
  • Analyzing external body
  • Simulating images for the treatment plan
  • Measuring proportions and choose the right treatment method
  • Specifying the amount of fat that can be removed
  • Comparing before and after photos as well as pre-treatment simulated images for satisfactory results

Robo-Body Scanning Analysis technology has also been used as part of treatment plan to achieve the best outcomes. This technique examines the inner body to identify the complete body composition, which includes

  • Body fat percentage
  • Body Mass Index (BMI)
  • Body weight condition
  • Muscle condition
  • Standard weight measurement
  • Basal metabolic rate (BMR)
  • Total Daily Energy Expenditure (TDE)

Let’s continue the rest on part two in the next episode.

7 Essential Things to Know Before Getting the Best Liposuction in Bangkok Part 2/2


Dr. Piya Rungruxsiri, MD, or Dr. Piya at Nida Esth' International

Best Plastic Surgeons in Thailand

A Board-certified Plastic Surgeon from General Surgery from Thai Medical Council & the International Society of Aesthetic Plastic Surgery (ISAP)


  • Member of Thai Society of Plastic and Reconstructive Surgeons of Thailand
  • Member of Thai Society of Aesthetic Plastic Surgeons of Thailand


  • Doctor of Medicine, Chulalongkorn University
  • Board of General Surgery, Chulalongkorn University Hospital
  • Board of Plastic & Reconstructive Surgery, Chulalongkorn University Hospital

Contact for more information at

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