Science, technology and innovation are key factors driving Thailand's competitiveness in the food and agriculture industries, enabling the country to become a "food innovation hub" in the region.
Teeranun Srihong, the new chairman of the Thailand Management Association, said the TMA has focused on science, technology, innovation and the digital platform. The TMA initiated the agro-food sector innovation project, emphasising strategic planning and integration with food industry networks.
"We have collaborated with Food Innopolis under the National Science Technology and Innovation Policy Office to work on searching for knowledge sources and integrating the network to make Thailand the food innovation hub of the region," Mr Teeranun said.
The TMA has an Italian partner working on the Food Innopolis. The partner provides technological know-how from Italy for the TMA to apply in Thailand's food and agriculture sectors.
Thailand has a good geographic location, he said, logistics is important to make Thailand the centre of development.
"Logistics is not only about providing the roads, but also providing goods, services and integration," Mr Teeranun said.
The TMA serves as a platform connecting the government, private and education sectors.
"We are also working with organisations around the world, such as the International Institute for Management Development in Switzerland, for activities to uplift competitiveness in the country," Mr Teeranun said.
Competitiveness can take place once the strategic plan is clearly addressed, he said. The 10 targeted S-curve sectors have already been defined by the government along with the development of the Eastern Economic Corridor (EEC). The only area of concern is the engine to drive the plan.
The TMA will focus on three issues: have the public sector use technology to create innovation; create leadership through training courses; and push Thai organisations to the global stage in innovation.
"Global Mindset" is one of the projects that the association is working on in order to underscore diversity among Thai managers.
Mr Teeranun said Thai organisations must do more for diversity and prepare for foreign languages and other cultures.
"Without diversity management capability, Thais cannot be good global leaders," he said.
Mr Teeranun said a shortage of human resources in technology is another critical issue in Thailand.
"We lack people in technology at all levels," he said.
Many people worry that big tech companies will dominate the market, Mr Teeranun said, but Thailand can learn shortcuts from them.