Prayut won't lay vaccine blame
published : 15 Jun 2021 at 08:36

Prime Minister Prayut Chan-o-cha refused to assign blame to individuals or state agencies for recent vaccination cancellations.
Speaking to reporters at parliament on Monday, Gen Prayut said, "I'm not blaming anyone. Others may not have the same understanding of the issue because information is being passed through too many channels."
The prime minister said he has instructed the Centre for Covid-19 Situation Administration (CCSA) to emphasise his desire to balance current stocks according to demand and urgency.
He also said he wanted to see appointment numbers aligned more closely with the concept of demand so fewer people would have their appointments cancelled or be turned away.
"We may have the capacity to administer 100,000 doses in a single day. But where are the vaccines for appointments on other days?" he said.
Gen Prayut said he did not expect any more significant hiccups.
"If any such problems still exist, [we will] do some fine-tuning," he added.
The premier reiterated that supplies are received in batches throughout the month, and that the amounts are not uniform.
"From now on, the appointments will be organised based on the vaccines that arrive in each batch," he said.
His remarks were made after many hospitals in Bangkok, both privately run and state-owned, announced they had suspended appointments this week because they ran out of supplies.
Gen Prayut, meanwhile, said those who booked from the provinces via the Mor Prom application will be given priority because they made their appointments well in advance and may have made travel plans.
Certain amounts of vaccines being administered at more than 100 vaccination points in Bangkok are outside the quota allocated to City Hall, the prime minister said.
- aligned: supporting; connected with - ที่สนับสนุน ที่เกี่ยวข้อง
- allocate (verb): to give out an amount of or share of something - แบ่งส่วน
- assign (verb): to say that something has a particular value, name or function, or happens at a particular time or place - กำหนด, ระบุ, ตั้ง
- batch: a group of things considered similar in type - พวก, ชุด, กลุ่ม
- blame: to say or think that someone or something did something wrong or is responsible for something bad happening - โยนความผิดให้, ตำหนิ
- cancellation: a decision to stop something that has been arranged from taking place - การยกเลิก
- capacity: the ability to do a particular thing - ความสามารถ,สมรรถภาพ
- emphasise (verb): to give special importance to something - เน้น
- fine-tune: to make very small changes to something so that it is as good as it can possibly be - แก้ไขปรับปรุง
- hiccup (noun): a small problem or temporary delay - ปัญหาเล็ก ๆ
- quota: an amount of something that someone is officially allowed to have or do - โควตา
- reiterated: repeated something in order to emphasise it or make it very clear to people - ยืนยันตามเดิม