Songkran splash sites to be booze-free
published : 13 Mar 2024 at 09:41
writer: Gary Boyle

Rules will be strictly enforced to make water-splashing venues nationwide completely free of alcohol during the Songkran festival next month, officials said on Tuesday.
A complete alcohol ban will be enforced at all Songkran venues for the entire festival period, the alcoholic beverage control committee said.
The official Songkran public holiday lasts from April 13-17 but the “World Songkran Festival” will be staged from April 1-21 to boost tourism.
The alcohol ban will be enforced with special attention paid to ensure that minors cannot access booze and sales elsewhere will not take place outside the permitted hours.
As most Songkran accidents were the result of drunk driving, alcohol-free zones for Songkran revellers will be created in order to maintain public safety and order.
From April 11-17 last year, road accidents caused a total of 4,340 casualties, including 252 deaths, with 502 of the injured and dead reported to be under 20 years old.
Motorists and motorcyclists involved in road accidents during this year's Songkran period will be given breathalyser or blood tests.
Learn from listening
- ban: officially not allowed to do something - การห้ามอย่างเป็นทางการ
- beverage: a drink of any type - เครื่องดื่ม
- boost: to increase - เพิ่ม
- booze: (informal) alcoholic drink - เครื่องดื่มที่มีแอลกอฮอล์ (คำไม่เป็นทางการ)
- breathalyser (noun): a device used by the police to measure the amount of alcohol in a driver’s breath - เครื่องวัดปริมาณอัลกอฮอล์จากลมหายใจ
- casualty (noun): victim; someone/ something that has been harmed, injured or killed as the result of a bad event such as a disaster or crime (casualties: the number of dead or injured) - เหยื่อผู้เคราะห์ร้าย; จำนวนคนตายหรือได้รับบาดเจ็บ
- enforce : to make sure laws are obeyed - บังคับให้ใช้, บังคับให้ทำ, ใช้กำลังบังคับให้ปฏิบัติตาม
- minor: someone who has not reached the age where they are legally an adult - เยาวชน
- order: a situation in which everything is well organized or arranged - ความเป็นระเบียบเรียบร้อย
- permit (verb): to allow someone to do something - อนุญาต, อนุมัติ, ยินยอม
- revellers (noun): people who enjoy themselves at a party or celebration - คนที่ชอบงานฉลอง ความสนุกสนานและงานรื่นเริง
- strictly: completely - อย่างเข้มงวด