Aussie women gravely ill from tainted booze in Laos
published : 20 Nov 2024 at 07:08
writer: Gary Boyle

Two young Australian women are fighting for their lives in Thai hospitals after drinking tainted alcohol in the tourist town of Vang Vieng in Laos.
The parents of the two 19-year-olds from Melbourne are at their bedsides in separate Thai hospitals — one in Bangkok and the other in Udon Thani, the Australian Broadcasting Corporation reported on Tuesday.
Holly Bowles and Bianca Jones were staying at a backpacker hostel in Vang Vieng, a popular party town north of the Lao capital, Vientiane.
According to the owner of the Nana Hostel, the young women had been out drinking at a nearby bar on the night of Tuesday, Nov 12. In the early hours of Wednesday morning, they were taken to a hospital in Vientiane after falling ill.
Two Danish women in their 20s died and at least 10 people have fallen ill after drinking the tainted alcohol, according to local reports.
The owner of the Nana Hostel in Vang Vieng told ABC he was sure the poisoned drinks were not sold at his bar.
Methanol is a clear liquid chemical that is often illegally added to alcoholic beverages as a cheaper alternative to ethanol.
Consuming even a small amount can be fatal.
Learn from listening
- backpacker (noun): A person who travels on holiday/vacation carrying equipment and clothes in a backpack (a large bag, often supported on a light metal frame, carried on the back and used especially by people who go climbing or walking) - ผู้ใส่กระเป๋าสะพายหลัง
- beverage: a drink of any type - เครื่องดื่ม
- booze: (informal) alcoholic drink - เครื่องดื่มที่มีแอลกอฮอล์ (คำไม่เป็นทางการ)
- fatal: causing someone to die - ถึงตาย
- gravely: very serious; very dangerous - อย่างวิกฤติ, อย่างร้ายแรง
- hostel (noun): a building that provides cheap accommodation (places to stay) and meals to students, workers or travellers - ที่พักราคาไม่แพงสำหรับนักเดินทางอายุน้อย
- poison (verb): to put poison in or on something - วางยาพิษ
- tainted: spoiled by an unpleasant quality or feature - มัวหมอง มีมลทิน แปดเปื้อน