To create artistic pieces by mastering mezzotint techniques is a skill which runs in the Chirachaisakul family. Mezzotint is an old printmaking process produced by polishing the surface of a copper plate. The exhibition "M3ZZOTINT" features mezzotint art pieces made by three artists from the Chirachaisakul family at RCB Galleria 2, 2nd Floor, River City Bangkok, until Dec 14. Three artists reflect how they feel about things around them through their artworks.
Though Kraisak Chirachaisakul didn't earn an academic degree from Silpakorn University where he studied for six years, the 57-year-old father has supreme mezzotint skills which he taught his two sons. His outstanding skills brought him several international awards including Gold Prize at the 2014 International Biennale Print Exhibition in Taiwan and Grand Prize at the 2013 Biennale International D'estamp Contemporaine de Trois-Rivers in Canada.
Graduated from Silpakorn University in Painting Sculpture and Graphic Arts, Wal Chirachaisakul followed his father's footsteps by using mezzotint, but he also specialises in oil painting. The 29-year-old artist received his first printmaking competition award in 2011 at the 8th Kochi International Triennial Exhibition of Prints and won prizes from many countries such as Japan, Taiwan, Russia and Canada. In 2014, Wal established an art gallery and printmaking studio, Kalwit Studio & Gallery, and later passed the gallery business to his brother.
Kit Chirachaisakul studied at Silpakorn University, Faculty of Painting Sculpture and Graphic Arts, and took printmaking as his major. Like his father and brother, Kit is an award-winning artist.
In 2017, his mezzotint artworks were awarded first prize at the 3rd International Biennial of Print "Jose Guadalupe Posada" in Mexico and the Excellence prize at A.I.M.P.E Awagami International Miniature Print Exhibition in Japan. He now runs Kalwit Studio & Gallery.
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