Sea of stupidity
Re: "Navy fiasco", (BP, April 20, 2019).
Mr Chad Andrew Elwartowski had a plan to start selling the first of 20 such (homesteading) structures but apparently he failed to do his homework. I do not know what permission he had or did not have, or what legal advice he sought, if any. Wikipedia however would have informed him that an area called the EEZ (Exclusive Economic Zone) provides special rights to a nation regarding the use of its marine resources extending out to 200 nautical miles from the coast.
He may have dreamed he could create a floating island paradise, Robinson Crusoe-style. He may have thought it an ideal way to shelter from laws, taxes, government restrictions, plus avoid the stresses and responsibilities of a land-based life. Had he however realised this would have to be built a further 190 nautical miles out to sea, to be truly "free", he may have stopped dreaming. Had he also considered that the navy and the Harbour Department are duty-bound to clear the coastal waterways of navigational hazards for both local and international shipping, he might have wondered how his 20 uncharted floating homes would be viewed by the authorities and by sea captains. And if they saw a huge tanker bearing down on them, would they just wave their arms and blow whistles?
On the surface, he seems to have had no bad intentions, was not aware of breaking any laws, or had any hidden agenda. He would have been well advised to try and realise his ambition somewhere off the coast of the US, where the seasteading concept is at least known. His attempt to do so in Thailand can only be viewed as both foolish and foolhardy, and his dream has unfortunately turned into a nightmare.
It can only be hoped that his creation of an independent state is recognised as a naive and a stupid mistake, and judged accordingly.
Dusit Thammaraks
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