Shape shifting
Re: "Aged society needs new provident fund", (Opinion, March 2).
During this current visit to Thailand, I have noticed two new phenomena: first, the concern displayed in your newspaper about the ageing of Thailand's population. The second one will greatly impact the first: for over 40 years I have travelled to Thailand at least once each year, first for work and now for retirement breaks from winter weather. This trip I have been shocked to see the increase in Thailand's population, not in numbers but in the average size of individuals! Thai people are getting fatter, and if this continues, you will soon look like Americans, who on average are very sadly overweight. I see here not only overweight conditions, but obesity and even morbid obesity. This will greatly impact the general overall health of your people, because being overweight increases the seriousness of virtually all other medical problems, more so as we age.
According to what I have read this trip, the Thai government is wisely considering how to deal with an ageing population. But both problems have to be considered when planning for the elderly, and it takes different skill sets. Neither is easy.
One way to start is to follow that old adage, "It is easier to stay in shape than it is to get in shape". Hopefully, many will see that it's not too late to get back into shape. And also hopefully, the officials looking at the future of aging will add this factor of weight expansion and its accompanying problems into the planning.
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