Buyback binge
Re: "Twenty listed firms seen likely to prep share buybacks", (Business, March 25).
Over the past year or so, there have been far, far more than just 20 Thai listed companies which have already announced and regularly buy back their own shares on the SET/MAI. As is then regularly SET-news announced, but never tallied up to actually show how many different companies are doing this already.
The SET or their brokers should publish the number of companies and even their names, as it's a true positive sign in that these mostly do believe their share prices are oversold and below intrinsic value.
Sometimes, a company may buy back its shares as it does not see alternative good investments at present with its cash on hand; however, most of the time, it's a clear sign that current market prices well underprice its true value. It's a positive sign when so many companies announce buybacks, and this should be published by the SET or brokers. As it is now, nobody really knows the actual number, which I estimate to be in the many dozens.
Toxic secrets
Re: "Radioactive waste probed", (BP, March 26).
Nothing new here; in 2018, a steel manufacturer in Thailand discovered over 880 tonnes of smelting waste contaminated with Cs-137. In the year 2000, workers in Samut Prakan stole a cobalt-60 cylinder from a discarded X-ray machine and sold it to a scrap dealer. Five workers at the scrapyard and four waste collectors were hospitalised with radiation sickness, and over 1,800 people were exposed to harmful radiation.
In 2023, a 25kg cylinder was stolen from the National Power Supply Public Co in Prachin Buri and sold for scrap. The radioactive waste it contained was found at a steel foundry in Kabin Buri district, 10 kilometers away, in furnace dust and smelted scrap metal.
The recent report of 10 tonnes of illegally imported Caesium 137 material failed to disclose where it was presently located. The news included a photo of officials wearing surgical masks while investigating the site. This is an illustration of gross misfeasance on the part of authorities. The public must be informed immediately of the location so they may ascertain if possible harm might accrue due to exposure. Additionally, surgical masks provide inadequate protection from the hazards of radioactive Cs-137 fine dust inhalation. Proper PPE must be used on site inspections and in handling such material.
If a single incident of illegal importation is discovered, one can assume there have been at least 10 others which have gone undetected. Corruption and illegal activity common to these incidents include theft for scrap, inadequate and inaccurate documentation, importation and customs irregularities, and lack of port detection of radioactive containers.
A dirty bomb could seemingly pass undetected into Thailand without much difficulty.
Forgotten threat
Re: "Winning the battle against TB", (Opinion, Feb 27) & "Texas child dies from measles", (World, Feb 28).
Like many people who are now seniors, I had measles when I was a child and there was no vaccine available. It was uncomfortable, very contagious and occasionally deadly.
By the mid-60s, vaccines were appearing, and by the mid-70s, they were compulsory in Australia. The disease was basically controlled and effectively eradicated. Why has it come back? In reality, it wasn't gone; it was just preventable using vaccines.
This is partly due to people forgetting about the disease, the vaccine sceptics and the anti-vaccine proponents. This won't be helped with the Trump appointment of RF Kennedy Jr, a prominent vaccine sceptic, to run the US medical system.
Vaccines work. Measles is still very dangerous. Get vaccinated if you haven't already.
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