No laughing matter
Re: "Bombs aren’t a joke", (PostBag, Nov 6).
This letter is to support and commend the flight attendant, cabin crew and captain of the Lion Air Flight recently delayed at enormous disruption to passengers and expense to the airline, due to the stupid and dangerous remarks made by a young male passenger.
I was employed by Pan American Airways (PanAm) for 30 years from 1959 until retirement in 1988 in many positions in the company. In all these years the most serious incidents in the industry were bomb threats and incidents that endanger aircraft, passengers and crew (except of course actual disasters that happened by accident or terrorist activities).
These incidents are considered severe and are treated as emergency situations. Even hoax or bogus phone calls are treated with immediate response with red, yellow and green codes which are evaluated by in-house security and senior management and handled respectively.
It would take too long to describe each type of action in this letter but be assured all are examined very seriously and responded to accordingly.
In my long career involving many of these situations I have seen politicians, lawyers, military personnel and VIPs and many people in various walks of life be restrained, arrested and dealt with very seriously. Some cases involved lengthy prison terms under US aviation codes.
The majority of these remarks were also made as "jokes" but in most cases they are never treated this way by the authorities.
Aircraft are delayed (Lion Air), cancelled and completely searched in other cases until security, FBI, police and emergency services deemed the aircraft released.
In some cases with large aircraft in service these incidents can take many hours to resolve, resulting in extreme inconvenience to passengers and crew and at extremely high cost to the airline.
To all readers, believe me do not mention the word "bomb" or make any kind of threats to flight crew in airports during security clearance, immigration or even general passenger areas, as someone like me might hear you. You could be arrested and have to bear the consequences.
Mike CraigheadFormer PanAm executive
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