Star gazers can look up in the sky on Sunday night to catch an event known as a Micro Full Moon, says the National Astronomical Research Institute of Thailand (Narit).
A Micro Full Moon occurs when a Full Moon or a New Moon coincides with an apogee, the point in the Moon’s orbit farthest away from Earth.
According to Narit, the Micro Full Moon can be viewed from 6pm Sunday evening until Monday morning. The earth and the moon will be 405,818 kilometres apart.
A Micro Full Moon is the opposite of the Super Full Moon, which can be seen on the night of Aug 31 until the following morning, according to the institute.
On Feb 22, people can see Venus along with the Moon as the two make their closest approach to one another, and on Feb 28 the Moon will make its closest approach to Mars.
The National Astronomical Research Institute of Thailand (Narit) posts on its Facebook that that a Micro Full Moon can be viewed from the night of Feb 5 to the morning of Feb 6.