These small-breed dogs were abandoned at a shelter, but have struggled to adapt. They are very scared of other dogs and stay together in the corner. They need a loving home.
See Dang and See Tan were born under a highway. They are very friendly and have been vaccinated.
Rose is a two-month-old male kitten who was left in a garbage bin in the Chatuchak area. He was rescued when he was only a week old. He is very friendly.
Si Sook is a female Korat cat who is very friendly. She is about one year old and has been neutered.
Contact details: Anyone interested in adopting one or more of these animals can contact Tharinee
Wipuchanin, founder of Pic-A-Pet4Home, on 08-1451-2233 or 08-1551-2628, Facebook: PickAPet4Home-Bangkok, email: or visit our website: