Top Ten Anti-Ageing Tips for Lifelong Radiance
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Top Ten Anti-Ageing Tips for Lifelong Radiance

Top Ten Anti-Ageing Tips for Lifelong Radiance

Beat the Clock

The sad truth is that all of us will eventually get old, but that doesn't mean we can't do it in style. The hard part is taking a long hard look in the mirror and admitting that certain habits might be causing you to look and feel older before your time. Beyond genetics, the food you eat, the products you use and the way you live will have a greater effect on your ageing process than anything else.

But don't despair, there are specific steps you can take right now to turn back the clock, no matter your age. Best of all, they don't involve a magic pill or expensive round of plastic surgery; most of them are more about willpower and effort than hard cash. 

We challenge you to incorporate these ten relatively simple lifestyle anti-ageing treatment tips into your life to help beat the clock and keep the effects of ageing at bay. You don't have to lose that youthful glow; continue reading to discover the secrets to visible vitality. Feel and look more energetic now!

1] Slather the SPF

We can't stress this one enough – always, always, always wear broad-spectrum SPF sunscreen, particularly here in Thailand. Therefore, to do an anti-ageing treatment, just look for one that protects against both UVA and UVB rays. In addition, eat your sunscreen too! We know, kind weird. But did you know certain foods are known to increase lycopene, the skin's built-in SPF? Three of the best are green tea, tomatoes and dark chocolate. 

2]  Drink, drink, drink

Top Ten Anti-Ageing Tips for Lifelong Radiance

With age, your skin's ability to hold water will decrease, leading to quicker dehydration and a general dull look with dry patches, fine lines and wrinkles. Your skin needs to be regularly quenched with moisture-retaining water to remain healthy and dewy looking. The amount of water you need to consume depends on your activity level and size. The best method for anti-ageing is to sip water throughout the day and never let yourself get thirsty to treatment the dehydration of skin. 

3] Don't over-exfoliate 

Encouraging the shedding of dead skin cells speeds up the growth of new ones. While it's true that young skin is smooth and reflects the light, opposed to older skin which tends to be rougher and refracts light, and that's why the shedding of dead skin cells via exfoliation can speed up the growth of new cells, you should not overdo it. Over-exfoliating – both too often and with harsh scrubs – can remove the only protective barrier that your skin has and cause it to look older.

4] Move it or lose it

Exercising is the essential ingredient both your skin and your body needs for anti-ageing treatment; chiefly because it allows a compound called IL 15 to be released and prevents cell death. Just two 60-minute workout sessions a week can dramatically boost your skin's radiance and make you look decades younger. Besides, don't let a few extra pounds sneak on as the years go by. Weight gain is also perceived as ageing in several areas. For example, submental fat, the cause of a double chin, can dramatically add years to your visage.

5] Get more sleep 

Top Ten Anti-Ageing Tips for Lifelong Radiance

All those late-night Netflix binges you love so much are doing no favours for your appearance. Rest is one of the most important physiological processes humans have. It's only during slumber that our bodies are repairing and detoxifying; balancing hormones; absorbing nutrients; and creating vital new cells. Also, adequate sleep – at least seven uninterrupted hours of REM – increases circulation around the eyes, which in turn decreasing puffiness.

6] Up the antioxidants

Antioxidants, present in everything from dietary vitamins to cosmetics, are touted as the antidote to cell-damaging free radicals and the key to long-lasting youth. Whether through vegetables, fruits or supplements, as part of a daily nutrition plan, a high intake of antioxidants will promote elasticity and hydration of the skin and encourage the body's natural production of collagen and hyaluronic acid, all vital for healthier-looking skin.

7] Ditch the tanning 

In the long run, that golden glow you've been trying to perfect since your teens with countless tanning trips to the beach and salon aren't worth it. If you want to turn back the tide of time, tanning should be at the top of your no-go list. Each time you get a tan, you're doing permanent damage. If you can't live without a golden glow, try taking a daily 25g beta-caretone supplement, which will boost your skin's natural defence against UV by improving its ability to tan.

8] Go easy on sugar 

Sugar does more than rot your teeth; it's also a major cause of skin losing it vital elasticity and plumpness. A diet high in sugar is linked to advanced glycation end products (AGEs), which cause a loss of collagen and elastin and takes away a skin's plump and doughy appearance. An anti-ageing treatment is much easier by focusing on a balanced diet with plenty of lean protein and vegetables and anti-ageing antioxidants such as dark berries, avocados and green juices.

9] Wash away the day

Think you can skip the shower after a workshop session or day of travel? Absolutely not. You must never go to bed with an uncleansed face, especially after excessive sweating. Washing your face at the end of each day can help keep dead skin and other grime from settling into your pores, where they are prone to clog and stretch them over time, causing a breakdown in collagen stores. Use a gentle foam cleanser or mild soap to rinse and clean. 

10] Get oily and fatty

Not all fats are bad. Another natural anti-ageing treatment is Omega-3 fats, found in fresh fish and other seafood, nuts and seeds, plant oils and fortified foods contain a critical component that's responsible for the health of cell membrane. Daily consumption, either in food or supplement form, can have you glowing with youth in no time. What you want to do is stay away from a low-fat diet, as this will cause you to miss out on these vital, healthy fats and cause your skin to become more lacklustre.

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